
Uso Trieste

"Uso Trieste" beams are characterised by the continuous squaring from the base to the tip, smoothed off along the whole length. The section, following the natural taper of the trunk, tends to reduce: a reduction of 6 mm per linear metre is permitted. The squaring only affects the fibres superficially, thereby guaranteeing high mechanical and elastic resistance.

Only resinous conifer or Norway spruce wood is used. 
This "Traditional" Uso Trieste beam can be perfected by planing it, including on the rounded corners; "Clean" Uso Trieste, thereby making it suitable for impregnating with various substances.

Beam dimensions vary from 9x9 cm to 50x50 cm in terms of section and 3.00 linear metres to 13.00 linear metres in length.

"Uso Trieste" beams are suitable for carpentry works and are used in the construction of floors, mezzanines and roofing.

Uso Trieste
Uso Fiume

These beams are also referred to as "head to head"; the section is in fact parallel along its whole length.
Generally speaking, they are created using trunks of Norway spruce, larch, oak and chestnut.
On "Uso Fiume" beams, squaring is superficial and most of the wood fibres remain intact, thereby ensuring excellent mechanical and elastic characteristics.
This type of beam can be simply debarked and planed on the four parallel sides, "R.U. Traditional" or planed on all eight sides "R.U. Construction".
"Uso Fiume" beams may undergo a second working, such as brushing, painting, shaping and sloping cuts for example, as a valid alternative to traditional four-thread beams.
Uso Fiume beams are extensively used in restoration works and where specific aesthetic results are required in developing roofing, mezzanine floors and flooring.
Beam dimensions vary from 12x12 cm to 50x50 cm in terms of section and 3.00 linear metres to 13.00 linear metres in length.

Uso Trieste

Segna Legnami produces "Square-Edged" beams with a square or rectangular section not only in fir, but also in larch, oak and chestnut.
When the sections required so allow, beams can be sawn with the heart split or off the heart: this enables the fissures deriving from the natural retraction of the wood to be limited. 
"Square-Edged" beams may undergo accessory works such as drying, planing, brushing, impregnation, working of shapes, sloping cuts, pockets and all other works necessary to provide the customer with an assembly kit structure.
Segna Legnami can subject beams to technical drying, which is an excellent alternative to natural seasoning, but far quicker.

Spigolo vivo

There are two types of turned beams used in different ways. Slightly conical, cylindrical beams are an excellent product for constructing floors, mezzanine floors and roofing. For this use, a flat face can be created for resting the partition and traditional shaping works at the ends. Parallel cylindrical beams are generally produced in larch or douglas, in diameters ranging from 8 cm to 16 cm. This type of pole, with or outside the heart, is extensively used in fencing options. Turned beams can also be used as "pillars".


Le travi “lamellari” sono composte da tavole di legno massiccio, generalmente in abete o larice, incollate e giuntate a pettine e possono essere prodotte con sezioni e lunghezze di notevole importanza. 
È questa la caratteristica che le rende idonee per costruire strutture portanti con ampie luci senza sostegni, mantenendo quindi elementi costruttivi snelli. Trovano ampio impiego nella costruzione di solai, coperture e grandi strutture.
In base al materiale impiegato nella produzione, possiamo avere due qualità di travi lamellari:
- qualità a vista, per costruzioni con esigenze statiche ed estetiche;
- qualità industriale, per costruzioni con esigenze statiche ma non estetiche.

Two-Layer beams

This solution combines the advantages of the lamellar beam with the aesthetics of the solid wood beam. The two-layer beam overcomes the "flaws" of solid wood using the technology of lamellar wood. It is, in fact, created from two (two-layer) or three (three-layer) solid wood planks, comb joined and glued using special resins.

Two-layer beams

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